Who We Are

Our Story​

Hearts of the Rockies Home Health Care
 offers compassionate home healthcare services, including daily assistance, companionship care, and safety checks, to enhance the quality of life for individuals in the Rocky Mountains.

The organization conducts thorough home safety checks to identify potential hazards and ensure a secure environment for clients. Heart of Rockies’ story began with a mission to provide personalized care that exceeds expectations, and the organization has grown to become a leading provider of home healthcare services in the region.

The company’s values include compassion, excellence, personalization, integrity, and community.

Our Mission

To deliver compassionate, patient-centered care that exceeds expectations and fosters a sense of community and connection.

Our Vision

To be the leading provider of home healthcare services in the Rocky Mountains, renowned for our commitment to excellence, integrity, and compassion

Janet Masterson

Financial Analyst

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Our Unique Advantage

Hearts of the Rockies is dedicated to delivering exceptional care and upholding the highest standards of excellence. We are fully registered with the regulatory body CQC and adhere to their rigorous standards of care, ensuring that our clients receive the utmost quality and compassion.